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What is Post-Natal Care? Postnatal care means is defined as care of newborn mother and the newborn The main objectives of postnatal care are: – To prevent complications of the post-partum period – To provide care for rapid restoration of mother’s health – To check the adequacy of breastfeeding – To provide family planning services – To provide health education […]
What is Bunionectomy? A bunion is defined as a lump of bone on the knuckle of your big toe. It can cause pain, swelling and redness in and around the big toe. If left untreated, it can make physical movement a challenge. Bunions are also known as big toe pain and can occur due to […]
Dry needling is not a very common procedure for physiotherapy, nevertheless, people are gradually becoming aware of this technique and its various advantages. If you are not unaware or uninformed about this technique, let PHYSIOREVIVE tell you about it. Dry needling is a therapeutic procedure that is done by inserting dry, short, fine, solid stainless-steel filiform needles […]