Dry Needling Advanced Course
Our Advanced (Level-2) Course of 2 days includes the progression from basic needling to the advanced level with precision & confidence to treat muscles at danger zones including thoracic spine & front of thigh.
It involves a mix of detailed lectures & supervised practical to give precision to your needling skills.
First, in South East ASIA, we provide the combination of the Ultrasound imaging technology in to the course which enables:
1.In-depth anatomy of the structures (including fascia, muscles & blood vessels)
2.Gives better capability to teach safe & effective Dry Needling techniques
3.To understand the danger zones including ribs & front of the thigh
4.Real time Ultrasound Imaging is used to teach the muscle boundaries & bony landmarks with better precision
5.Real Time Ultrasound Imaging is used to visualize Trigger point complex & a local twitch response in the muscle
Course Objectives
- To discuss various latest rsearch & clinical studies in the field of Dry Needling.
- To understand the needling safety procedures & precautions to avoid complications eg: Pneumothorax
- To able to practice self imposed S.O.P.s (Standard operating Procedures)
- To able to practice Ortho-Neuropathic assessment techniques
- Practice the Advanced Needling techniques for the muscles around dorsal spine, complex muscles within the posterior hip region
- To understand the Advanced Dry Needling techniques using ultrasound imaging technology by
1. Ensuring the needle placement within a 3D environment.
2. Showcasing the muscle response to the needle insertion including LTR (local twitch response).
3. Showing a detailed orientation of the structures including Ribs, pleura.
4.Giving ample confidence to needle in para spinal muscles of Dorsal spine
Course Eligibility:
- Participants must have completed the PRIDE Dry Needling Introductory (Level-1) Course, including 50 cases treated with Dry Needling before applying for the Advanced (Level-2) Course
- 01 To discuss various latest rsearch & clinical studies in the field of Dry Needling.
- 02 To understand the needling safety procedures & precautions to avoid complications eg: Pneumothorax
- 03 To able to practice self imposed S.O.P.s (Standard operating Procedures)
- 04 To able to practice Ortho-Neuropathic assessment techniques
- 05 Practice the Advanced Needling techniques for the muscles around dorsal spine, complex muscles within the posterior hip region
- 06 To understand the Advanced Dry Needling techniques using ultrasound imaging technology by
- Participants must have completed the PRIDE Dry Needling Introductory (Level-1) Course, including 50 cases treated with Dry Needling before applying for the Advanced (Level-2) Course
How to Register
To Register, you need to pay Course-Fee by bank transfer, by credit or debit cards online or you can also pay by e-wallets. You will receive an email with Pre-Course Material, including: Registration Confirmation, Latest Research & scholar Articles on DN, Course Schedule details, Case Study Format.
What can I treat after the Successful completion of PRIDE Dry Needling Advanced (Level-2) Course?
You will be sure & confident to treat with Advanced needling of the following muscles:
*Middle & lower Trapezius & Rhomboids
*Quadratus lumborum & Medial part of Piriformis
*Ilio-psoas with front technique
*Posterior thigh muscles & Quadriceps
*to visualise Ribs, pleura & Lungs
*Danger Zones including Front of the Thigh, Upper Trapezius, dorsal spine, upper lumbar paraspinal muscles & Supraspinatus
Also includes Case Studies, revision & discussion among participant group.